Eastern Coachwhip (Masticophus flagellum)

Uncommon and probably declining due to habitat loss in the southeastern portion of North Carolina in dry sandy habitats. Eastern Coachwhips are very fast-moving, non-venomous snakes that prey on lizards, small mammals, and other snakes.
Eastern Coachwhip (Masticophus flagellum) Eastern Coachwhip (Masticophus flagellum)
Scotland Co., NC
14 June 2008

A snake in the grass...

Eastern Coachwhip (Masticophus flagellum) Eastern Coachwhip (Masticophus flagellum)
Scotland Co., NC
14 June 2008

Eastern Coachwhip (Masticophus flagellum) Eastern Coachwhip (Masticophus flagellum)
Scotland Co., NC
14 June 2008

Two-toned, the front portion of coachwhips is nearly black while the bulk of the body is much paler and patterned.

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Created on ... June 15, 2008 | jeffpippen9@gmail.com