Pickerel Frog (Rana palustris)

Common throughout NC (although less so in the coastal plain), Pickerel Frogs can be distinguished from similar Southern Leopard Frogs by its squarish dorsal spots arranged into two rows.
Pickerel Frog (Rana palustris) Pickerel Frog (Rana palustris)
Duke Forest, Orange Co., NC
9 May 2013

Note two rows of square-ish spots in two rows, strong dorso-lateral fold, and hint of yellow-orange where the hindlegs meet the body.

Pickerel Frog (Rana palustris) Pickerel Frog (Rana palustris)
Duke Forest, Orange Co., NC
9 May 2013

Pickerel Frog (Rana palustris) Pickerel Frog (Rana palustris)

Orange Co., NC
21 Aug 2004

same individual

Pickerel Frog (Rana palustris) Orange Co., NC
8 June 2004

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Created on ... June 15, 2004 | jeffpippen9@gmail.com