North Carolina Wildflowers

by Jeffrey S. Pippen | Back to Jeff's Plant Page | Jeff's Nature Pages

Nymphaeaceae > Nuphar (spadderdock)

Spadderdock, Broadleaf Yellow Pondlilly (Nuphar advena)
(temporarily drained) Gum Swamp Lake, Scotland Co., NC
28 Apr 2019

Common in eastern North America in lakes and ponds

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Annotated habitat and distribution information listed above is from Radford, Ahles, & Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. UNC Press; and from personal observations and discussions with Will Cook, Harry LeGrand, and Bob Wilbur. Common names from personal experience and supplemented by the following resources USDA plants website, Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, and Georgia, and NatureServe.

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Created on ... March 26, 2020 |